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I started composting in 2017

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What got me composting.

The Compost Story

I hope it educates & inspires you as much as it inspires me.

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If you don't have a compost.

Freezer Compost

My mom has a compost, so I started collecting food waste in our freezer in a stainless steel bowl, then taking it over when it was full.

Trash is for Tossers takes hers to the farmer's market compost.


I thought it worked great & it was gnat free!

Steve was not a fan.

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Clean out your garage/ attic/ storage closet.

2 bin system

I upgraded to this after the freezer trial.

I helped my mom clean out her garage, and got 2 storage tubs out of it.

Greenshortz has a great how-to.




Update 2 years later: If you don't empty the bottom bin (worm tea collection) regularly, the top bin will sit in liquid, and become waaay too heavy to lift without making a huge mess. I've moved on...

2 bin set up
Garden Soil

For garages, or apartments.

Worm Tower

If you are a resident of San Jose, you can buy a Wriggly Wranch for $50, with your driver's license as proof of address.

Worms are great for banana peels, mushy fruit, and scraps. Print out a worm food list online, and keep it on your fridge.


I also looked at the Hot Frog Living Composter (at Costco and Uncle Jim's Worm Farm), and the Worm Factory 360. They are similar to the Wriggly Wranch, and cost around $100.


For worms, I'll look at a local nursery, or order 1,000 through Uncle Jim's Worm Farm.


Everything you knew is wrong.

Leaf Piles

My brother sent me this youtube video, and I am so excited to start my pile, now that we will have a yard!


My video takeaways:


I added this leaf vacuum/ shredder to my Christmas list.

2. Only pile leaves & coffee grounds

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