Companies Saving the Planet
Awareness, education, and action groups.
Stop Sucking
The Lonely Whale - Adrian Grenier
They focus on ocean pollution, and started the "stop sucking" campaign.
They also do great collabs with other companies fighting plastic pollution.
Check out their instagram, or website below.

5 Gyres
Fighting plastic pollution
Using science to put an end to plastic and Styrofoam pollution, and finding alternatives.
A 1% For the Planet member, and started the Voices 4 Oceans project.
Check out their #Plasticfree Shopping Guide for reusable items, and corporate partnerships with other companies fighting plastic pollution.
Based in Los Angeles

Feeding bees with local flowers
"We can thank bees & other pollinators for nearly 1/3 of the food we eat.
8 bee species have been declared endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife service.
Bees benefit from flowering Weeds such as white clover & dandelions.
Not all bees live in hives. About 70% of native bee species create nests in the ground.
Feed bees with these flowers:
Bee balm, hyssop, cosmos, lavender, blanket flower & purple coneflower."
Visit their site to lean more about what to plant in your yard, or patio, and buy some honey from your region to support their cause.