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What you should take away: Don't buy things that will just end up in the trash.

1. Easy nix: Plastic water bottles. Simple fix: BYO. Personally, the investment for an insulated KleanKanteen was TOTALLY WORTH IT! I'm a swim coach, and I bike to the pool. On those 90*+ days, I would fill my bottle with ice and water, and it would be melted by the time I got there.

I bought a second (because drink more water) so I could put hot tea in the other, and warm myself when I'm coaching after dark in the Winter.

Hydro flask is awesome too, and insulates just as well.

2. Bath & Body. When I was dying to get out of our 1 bedroom apartment, I started thinking about how much stuff we'd have to move, and figured I'd start clearing out the unnecessary things that would get thrown out/ donated in the inevitable move.

I forced myself to stop buying things I already had, just because a new version, scent, or color came out.

ie: I have a few bottles of lotion at home. OOH they have a peppermint lotion for Christmas!

I have hand soap. OOH Mrs. Meyers came out with a new Holiday scent!

Through this process, I found out that I had about 2 years worth of shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash, facial products, and other bathroom "stuff". Had the zombie apocolypse happened, I would have been so prepared with the non-essentials of bathing. And no wonder our tiny apartment felt so small! I was storing years worth of stuff, because I found it on sale, or liked the scent/ color/ new design better than what I had.

2.5 Beauty products. I don't wear a ton of makeup. For me, it's pretty easy to stop buying, but One pallet of eye shadow could last me a decade. (Yes, I know makeup expires, and I shouldn't be using the same mascara for years). Moving on.

3. Food packaging. This one's a little harder.

So, the picture of berries (below). I have greatly missed berries since I stopped buying plas... scratch that. I promised myself I'd be totally transparent and honest, for myself, to not paint a fairy tale picture of how easy and wonderful "going zero waste" is, and to not discourage you when you just can't give up your (insert favorite snack here). Because all our favorite snacks come in plastic bags.

As I was saying. I greatly reduced the food I buy in plastic packaging. But I fully intend to start a farm box subscription to even further reduce waste.

Maggie reminded me of her farm box today. God. Why don't I already do that?! I'm really behind. It's such an obvious sustainable choice.

It's about progress. Not perfection People!

I'm posting this as the Farmer's Markets are in full swing. Even most of the berries at the farmers market come in plastic baskets. SOOO, I bring my reusable mesh bags, buy the berries, then dump them into my mesh bag, and hand the baskets/ tubs back to the vendor with a smile and say, "thank you, would you reuse these?" And I am filled with joy, as I can have my berries, and eat them too :)

Hey! You're still with me! So here's the most awesome package/ plastic free move I've made yet. I've always been hesitant to splurge for the waffle cone. But packaging you can eat?! Why would anyone ever choose a cup and spoon (you can still use your bamboo spoon) ever?! I HAVE to get my ice cream in a waffle cone now, to save a cup. Oh the sacrifices we make to save the planet.

That was the first medium-sized tangent of my blog. I do this a lot, but I want you to feel like we're having a (very one sided) conversation. Don't like it? I've listed all the other zero waste, trash free bloggers that I love.

I just made a note to myself to give you guys a comments section... Coming soon?

Head to Brands I Love to check out what I use on the daily.





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