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It's officially Summer. How'd your Spring cleaning go? It didn't? Here's some de-cluttering that doesn't involve taking bags of stuff to Savers.

I try to periodically clear out the non-essentials in my life (remember, YOU decide what's essential). I realized that when I wake up, I've been spending a lot of time scrolling through instagram (not really looking at anything), and clicking a few promo emails. A good reminder to eliminate these things that are distracting me from having a peaceful morning.

To help you spend more time with loved ones, outside, or just unplugged, here's some things you can do to waste a little less time every day...

Junk mail: Marketing and advertising companies think we want all these catalogs and ads in our faces, because we don't say no. By simply not doing anything, we create a demand for more supply of catalogs, brochures, junk mail. My mom always had a pile of mail that wasn't bills, or personal mail, that just sat for weeks at a time until she could "go through it".

Visit the site below to put your name on the no spam list.

To stop getting pre-approved offers from credit card companies, you have to put in your ssn. I'm pretty skeptical of giving out my information, so I have not done so, and I still get visa offers a lot. Annoying.

Email. Not taking up any precious space, not costing any resources to print, but costing your TIME. Do you open it and scroll through it before deleting? Do you just see who it's from and check the box to delete? It's another couple seconds in your day. And think about how good it would feel in the morning when you open your email to only see the 1 or 2 promotions that you are actually interested in?

The unread promos/ newsletters in your trash are a good place to start.

Unfollow. My husband scrolls A LOT on Facebook & Instagram. He hates when I'm looking at his phone over his shoulder.

Who's that? What do they do? Why do you follow them?

I have an old hand injury that hurts when I scroll a lot, so I keep my feed to the essentials (or what I consider the essentials). It's also time in your day that you're checking up on other people, things, places...

If seeing a funny cat video, or a super stylized photo of Antarctica makes your day, go for it. If you're just scrolling through a bunch of bla to find the good stuff, maybe un-follow the bla.

Life: What do you do on a daily/ weekly basis just out of habit? What do you do, "just because it's there"? Let's work less out of habit and more out of intention.

Big challenge: What do you like to do? If you had absolutely nothing to do on a Saturday, what would you do?

Let's find time to do more of that, and less time scrolling, recycling ads, and clicking delete.





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